China Sourcing


Through years of experience INSINO has developed thorough guidelines to ensure quality service to our clients. We have a close cooperation with around 100 qualified suppliers in China. Each one of our suppliers has been carefully checked prior to be selected. All our suppliers offer competitive prices, high level of service, quality control according to standard requirements and, significantly, ability to communicate in a straight forward, clear and easy understandable way. When we get requests that do not fit well with our existing suppliers, we conduct new supplier sourcing. We have implemented strict rules and a well thought-out and structured way of working for each new sourcing mission to make sure we never miss the target.

For each new request and for each new product from our customers, we:

  • make a systematic supplier audit and sourcing.

  • make sure that the quality control works satisfactory,

  • make sure that the logistics work properly and are handled in the most efficient way,?